Warts on the body

Body warts are growths on the skin that have the ability to multiply. It is a disease caused by exposure to the human body of the human papillomavirus, abbreviated as HPV. Warts on the body have a different etiology, and the provocateurs in the development of this disease are different viruses, of which there are more than sixty types. Developing as a benign neoplasm on the skin, warts on the body can subsequently acquire malignant features.

Causes of warts on the body

Anyone can develop warts on their body, regardless of their gender or age. The papilloma virus enters the body through the mucous membranes or skin, enters under the epithelium and is retained in nerve tissue.

The onset and development of infection is influenced by:

  • Nervous irritation, severe fatigue, anger
  • Depression, stressful state of the body
  • The presence of cuts, scratches, abrasions. Direct contact with a person infected with the virus, as a result of which they can freely enter your nervous tissue, is limited in the duration of exposure. But the virus's life outside the human body can last up to three hours. Therefore, the presence of even minor microtraumas will easily lead to the fact that HPV will stay with you for a long time. This can take place through daily interactions: common meals, places of mass visits (swimming pool, public baths, public transport), etc.
  • The presence of a comfortable environment for the activation of the virus. This is facilitated by a hot and humid atmosphere. That is why, when choosing a place to spread, warts on the body often appear on the soles of the feet, which makes walking difficult and painful.
  • Excessive sweating

Important: try not to fight warts yourself. It can hurt you even more. Seek the advice of a specialist so that he can give you qualified recommendations and prescribe treatment.

Types of warts on the body

  1. Common or common warts. They are convex formations of small size, gray or gray-white in color;
  2. Flat warts. It is especially common in children and young people. They differ in the smoothness of the surface. Often localized on the hands and face
  3. Filiform warts. This refers to the long appendages of the skin. Often located in the armpits, neck and face, especially under the nose, on the eyelids and near the lips
  4. Senile warts. These skin growths are non-viral in nature, so it is wrong to call them warts. They appear in people over 40 years old and are characterized by an oily surface. Are dark in color, do not cause pain
  5. Plantar warts. Often located in the feet, they can cause severe pain. Occurs mainly on the toes or heels
  6. Genital warts. These are warts that appear on the genitals of women and men and can cause severe discomfort. They differ in a grayish-white tint, can be located on the mucous membranes of the genitals. Sometimes they appear in groups, form small tumors. If such formations occur, experts recommend immediately consulting a doctor.
Common, flat, filiform, plantar, senile, and genital warts

Symptoms and diagnosis

You can determine if you have warts on your body based on the following symptoms:

  • The appearance on the body of rashes, which may have a single character
  • The rash appears as dense nodules, with clearly defined borders that are grayish-yellow in color

Basically, warts on the body appear in the area of the hands, knees and feet, so it is easy to identify the disease by visual inspection.

If warts are detected, it is recommended to consult a specialist, a dermatovenerologist, who will rule out other possible infections and indicate the type of disease (flat, pointed, filamentous warts, etc. ) and drugs to combat HPV.

Wart on finger

Processing methods

Methods of treating warts on the body are divided into methods of traditional and alternative (folk) medicine. The most popular method is to use celandine juice, which is applied to the wart. Dandelion juice is used in the same way. However, the treatment prescribed without the participation of a specialist can lead to very dire consequences, for which there may be severe inflammation and further spread of the virus, dense keloid scars, etc. When using methods of drug treatment, the doctor takes responsibility for the result, and therefore you can confidently trust his verdict.

Techniques for removing warts on the body:

  • Laser wart removal is a bloodless and less traumatic method of removing warts. During the operation, the laser beam penetrates deep into the body of the wart and burns it
  • Electrocoagulation is a method of high frequency exposure to current. Has a positive function of disinfecting neighboring tissues
  • Liquid Nitrogen Wart Removal Method - Uses Deep Freeze Effect
  • Surgical plasty or excision of warts

Either way, try not to fight warts yourself. It can hurt you even more. Seek the advice of a specialist so that he can give you qualified recommendations and prescribe treatment.

Research by scientists: soon the nature of warts will be revealed

Scientists at the University of Buffalo have discovered new data on the formation of warts during the removal of healthy cells triggered by autoimmune antibodies. The information obtained may become essential in the development of autoimmune mechanisms and the reason for the creation of a mass examination of patients with autoimmune diseases, of which only in the United States there is about 10% of thetotal population.

Important: Basically, warts on the body appear in the area of the hands, knees, feet, so it is easy to identify the disease by visual examination.

The process of warts formation is an autoimmune skin disease in which autoimmune antibodies begin to destroy healthy cells, mistaking them for pathogenic structures. This disease can be treated by taking hormonal immunosuppressants.

During the study, scientists at the University of Buffalo used the atomic force microscopy method to study in detail the junctions of cell membranes, mistaken for pathogenic structures, including membranes, after self-attack. immune, have collapsed inward. According to scientists, these joints have not been studied or considered in the past, but they may contain knowledge that may explain the formation of warts.

Among other things, scientists were able to discover that the process of warts formation is triggered due to the activity of certain autoimmune antibodies only.

Reviews on the Internet: how to safely get rid of warts on the body

Almost everyone has encountered warts on the body, and on the Internet many are happy to share ways to get rid of this disease. We have collected tips and testimonials from people to help you get rid of your wart problems forever.

  • "I have warts quite often, I smear them with celandine - the best medicine. It is sold in a pharmacy - the main thing is to rub it thoroughly, so as not to burn the skin. "
  • "My wife and I removed the wart with celandine, various ointments and iodine - nothing helped. The wart was on the foot, it was not very comfortable to walk. As a result, we went to the doctor and removed it with liquid nitrogen - it was painful, but there was no trace of it, I have been walking normally for three years now ".
  • "I had several warts on the sole. A medical plaster helped - I stuck it on and when the wart softened I cut it off with scissors. They grew back a few times, I softened it again, cut it off - and so on until it was gone. "
  • "No drugstore product helps me with warts, no celandine, nothing. There is no money for moxibustion, and I'm afraid of it. I always fight warts with raw potatoes - I attach a piece to the wart and change it every day. I walk like this for 7-10 days - and it all goes away. "
  • "I always put garlic juice on warts. Celandine doesn't help, but I'll anoint the garlic for two weeks - and the wart dries up and goes away somehow. "